15 ഓഗസ്റ്റ്, 2012


2012 ആഗസ്റ്റ്‌ 25മുതല്‍സെപ്തംബര്‍88887767 8വരെനേത്രദാനപക്ഷമായിആചരിക്കുന്നു 

   നേത്രദാനം മഹാദാനം മരണാനന്തരം നമുക്കും കണ്ണുകള്‍ ദാനം ചെയ്യാം    

                                  Eye Donation-few facts to know

           (Eye donation fortnight25 August 8 September 2012)

Eye donation is an act of donating one’s eyes after his/her  death. Only corneal blinds can be benefitted through this process not other Blinds. The front, clear and transparent tissue of the eye called as cornea can be used to restore vision to corneal blind person. The other portions of the eye are also used for research and  training   purposes to develop cures for some of the common eye diseases. The Vision is dramatically reduced or lost if the cornea becomes cloudy. This loss of the vision is referred as corneal blindness. The cornea can get damaged through accidents. Children, while playing with sharp objects (e.g. bows and arrows ,pen, pencil, etc.) can accidentally damage their cornea. Corneal blindness can also happen to elders. Some of the industrial causes are chemical burns, flying debris or road accidents. The cornea can get damaged due to infections and malnutrition as well.  Removing the damaged cornea and replacing it with a healthy cornea by surgery can cure corneal blindness. Till date the treatment of the corneally blind people is corneal grafting. Artificial corneas have not yet been developed and hence the only source for cornea is from our fellow human beings. The first corneal transplant took place in 1905. Eyes are removed only after death. A person wishing to donate eyes should make close family members aware of their intentions. After the death of the person, it is the family who can inform the nearest eye bank to fulfill the wishes of the deceased or authorize the removal of the eyes if somebody from an eye bank approaches the family. The district blindness control society offers all services to those who are  willing to donate eyes and for that they have to submit their willingness in a prescribed format.(The district blindness control society Kottayam,District hospital campus,Kottayam,Phone.0481 2585283). A special Toll free number 1919 (BSNL) Nationwide  has been allotted for eye banks. Most of the eye banks all over the country have this number, once information for eye donation is communicated to eye banks; the eye bank sends its team to collect the eyes. By calling this number, details about eye donation can also be obtained. Raise the head of the deceased slightly by placing a pillow underneath. Place wet clean cloth over the closed eye lids. Please ensure that the eyelids are properly closed. Keep a copy of the death certificate ready (if available). Contact the nearest eye bank as quickly as possible. Any person of any age can donate eyes. Even if the deceased has medical history of hypertension, diabetes, asthma, tuberculosis etc., and even spectacle wearers and people who have undergone cataract operation can donate eyes. 
Patients suffering from Rabies, Tetanus, Aids, Jaundice, Cancer, Gangrene, Brain Tumer, Food Poisoning, Septicemia & a person who has died due to drowning etc. cannot donate their eyes.


ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ

നിങ്ങളുടെ അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ ഇവിടെ അറിയിക്കുക