26 ജൂൺ, 2012

H1NI Influenza
H1N1 Influenza- ABC Guidelines

Clinical features
‐ Fever,
‐ Upper respiratory symptoms
‐ Cough
‐ Sore throat.
‐ Head ache, body ache, fatigue diarrhea and vomiting have also been observed

Categorization guidelines

  • Category- A- 

mild fever plus cough / sore throat with or without body ache, headache, diarrhoea andvomiting

  • Category-B-

(Bi) Category-A+ high grade fever and severe sore throat
(Bii) Category-A+ one or more of the following
 Pregnant women
 Lung/ heart / liver/ kidney / neurological disease, blood   disorders/ diabetes/ cancer /HIVAIDS
 On long term steroids
 Children -- mild illness but with predisposing risk factors.
 Age 65 years+.

  • Category-C

 · Breathlessness, chest pain, drowsiness, fall in blood pressure, haemoptysis, cyanosis
 · Children with influenza like illness with red flag signs
 .Somnolence, high/persistent fever, inability to feed well, convulsions,
dyspnoea/respiratory distress, etc).
 · Worsening of underlying chronic conditions.
Testing Recommendations
Cat- A- No testing needed
Cat-B- No testing for Category-B (i) and (ii)
Cat-C- Test, but do not wait for test results .

Specimen required- 1 throat swab and 1 nasal swab, using Dacron swab, and immersed inViralTransport Medium tube, immediately put in cold chain/ refrigerated till dispatch at 2-8deg C in thermocol box with i-2 ice packs

Despatch is recorded, and should be only through the DMO/DSO of the district. 
The only authorized testing centres for Kerala are Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology,Thiruvananthapuram, and Virology Division, KMC Hospital, Manipal, Karnataka State. Specimens
directly sent by individuals/hospitals will not be accepted at either of these centres.
Management Recommendations
Category- A- No Oseltamivir
--Symptomatic treatment
---Good supportive measures
 Plenty of warm nourishing oral fluids,
 Good food intake
 Complete rest
--Monitor progress
--Reassess, at 24 to 48 hours
--Self isolation at home, and telephone follow up for the next 2-3 days
--Any suggestion of deterioration/ failure to improve?-- report in person stat.
(i) home isolation
Oseltamivir may be needed;
(ii) --Start Oseltamivir immediately
--Self isolation at home, and telephone follow up for the next 2-3 days
--Any suggestion of deterioration/ failure to improve?-- report in person stat.
Hospitalization immediately
Start Oseltamivir immediately, without waiting for test results
Intensive supportive management is usually necessary.
Pregnancy and H1N1
Exterme high risk category
Any Influenza Like Illness in a pregnant female – suspect H1N1.
Early referral to appropriate centre to start Oseltamivir /If any delay in transit expected, start
Oseltamivir, then refer.
Oseltamivir in pregnancy so far is considered safe
“Counseled prescription” should be given.

Community spread- MOHFW guidelines…

“If there is 25 or more epidemiologically linked suspect cases of Pandemic Influenza A considered to be having community spread”.
 No mass contact prophylaxis advised
 Others – assess category, if and when symptomatic, then treat as per ABC guidelines


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