17 ജനുവരി, 2014

As many as 83,000 children below the age of five will be administered polio vaccine during a campaign on January 19 and 23 in the Corporation limits.
The vaccination would be carried out at 184 centres, including government hospitals, city health office, corporation dispensary, anganwadi centres, schools, Old Bus Stand, New Bus Stand and railway stations between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on these two days.
Also 10 teams in mobile vehicles would visit people living on roadsides, migrated families and people living in huts, to administer polio vaccine to children below five years of age.
One lakh doses of vaccine have been preserved at the nine Ice Line Refrigerator (ILR) centres in the city. About 1,200 volunteers, including doctors, NSS students, and members of non-governmental organisation would be involved in the immunisation drive under 22 supervisors.
A press release from Corporation Commissioner M. Ashokan asked people to utilise the opportunity to enable polio-free society.


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