17 സെപ്റ്റംബർ, 2012

"ഇനിയുള്ള കാലങ്ങളിലിതിലെ  കടക്കുമ്പോള്‍ 


കേരളത്തില്‍ മറവിരോഗം കൂടുന്നതായി പഠനം


മാഞ്ഞുപോയ വര്‍ത്തമാനകാല സ്മരണകള്‍ക്കപ്പുറത്തു പച്ചപിടിച്ചു  നില്‍ക്കുന്ന ഭൂതകാല സ്മരണകളിലേക്ക്നിസംഗതയോടെ താനാരാണെന്നറിയാതെ  തന്‍റെ പെരുപോലുമോര്‍ക്കാതെ .....                                                                                                  

പ്രായമായവരില്‍കണ്ടുവരുന്നമറവിരോഗം(ഡിമെന്‍ഷ്യ)കേരളത്തില്‍വര്‍ധിക്കുന്നതായാണ്പഠനങ്ങള്‍സൂചിപ്പിക്കുന്നത്.അല്‍ഷിമേഴ്സ് ആന്‍ഡ് റിലേറ്റഡ് ഡിസോര്‍ഡേഴ്സ് സൊസൈറ്റി ഓഫ് ഇന്ത്യ യാണ്    ഇതുസംബന്ധിച്ച് പഠനങ്ങള്‍    നടത്തിയത്.പുകവലി, മദ്യപാനം, ചികിത്സ തേടാത്ത രക്തസമ്മര്‍ദം, ജനിതക സ്വാധീനം എന്നിവ മറവിരോഗത്തിന് കാരണമാകുന്നുണ്ട് കൂടുതല്‍  വിവരങ്ങള്‍  ചുവടെ --..................
World Alzheimer’s Day:September 21
World Alzheimer's Day, September 21st of each year, is a day on which Alzheimer's organizations around the world concentrate their efforts on raising awareness about Alzheimer's and dementia. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, a group of disorders that impairs mental functioning .Every 68 seconds, someone develops Alzheimer's disease. At current rates, experts believe the number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s wills quadruple to as many as 16 million by the year 2050.Alzheimer's disease is often called a family disease, because the chronic stress of watching a loved one slowly decline affects everyone. Alzheimer's disease is the sixth-leading cause of death in countries like United States and the only cause of death among the top 10 that cannot be prevented, cured or even slowed. With the increases in life spans and baby boomers coming of age, support for Alzheimer’s research is more critical to our families than ever.
 Memory loss-Forgetting recently learned information is one of the most common early signs of dementia. A person begins to forget more often and is unable to recall the information later.
o    What’s normal? Forgetting names or appointments occasionally.
 Difficulty performing familiar tasks-People with dementia often find it hard to plan or complete everyday tasks. Individuals may lose track of the steps involved in preparing a meal, placing a telephone call or playing a game.
o    What’s normal? Occasionally forgetting why you came into a room or what you planned to say.
Problems with language-People with Alzheimer’s disease often forget simple words or substitute unusual words, making their speech or writing hard to understand. They may be unable to find the toothbrush, for example, and instead ask for “the thing for my mouth.”
o    What’s normal? Forgetting names or appointments occasionally.
 Disorientation to time and place-People with Alzheimer’s disease can become lost in their own neighborhood, forget where they are and how they got there, and not know how to get home.
o    What’s normal? Forgetting the day of the week or where you were going.
 Poor or decreased judgment-Those with Alzheimer’s may dress inappropriately, wearing several layers on a warm day or little clothing in the cold. They may show poor judgment, like giving away large sums of money to telemarketers.
o    What’s normal? Making a questionable or debatable decision from time to time.
 Problems with abstract thinking-Someone with Alzheimer’s disease may have unusual difficulty performing complex mental tasks, like forgetting what numbers are for and how they should be used.
o    What’s normal? Finding it challenging to balance a checkbook.
Misplacing things-A person with Alzheimer’s disease may put things in unusual places: an iron in the freezer a wristwatch in the sugar bowl.
o    What’s normal? Misplacing keys or wallet temporarily.
 Change in mood or behavior-Someone with Alzheimer’s disease may show rapid mood swings—from calm to tears to anger—for no apparent reason.
o    What’s normal? Occasionally feeling sad or moody.
 Changes in personality-The personalities of people with dementia can change dramatically. They may become extremely confused, suspicious, fearful or dependent on a family member.
o    What’s normal? People’s personalities do change somewhat with age.
 Loss of initiative-A person with Alzheimer’s disease may become very passive, sitting in front of the TV for hours, sleeping more than usual or not wanting to do usual activities.
o    What’s normal? Sometimes feeling weary of work or social obligations.


ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ

നിങ്ങളുടെ അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ ഇവിടെ അറിയിക്കുക